Foot Levelers
Dr. Batson is a Palmer College of Chiropractic Graduate. In his training, Dr. Batson believes that the body is made up of body systems and various body biomechanical functions. In so saying, the biomechanics of one body part can and does affect other body parts and their specific functions and systems.
Dr. Batson believes that the foundation of our bodies starts at the foot and ankle which is a strategic weight bearing joint. The biomechanical function or dysfunction of the foot and ankle directly affects the kinetic chain of the lower extremity and ultimately the hips and lumbosacral/pelvic regions and even the spine. Any type of distortion of this biomechanical function/posture can have adverse effects to the remaining joints, spine, and torso with a cascade of symptomatic complications.
Upon examination and determination of the foot or ankle dysfunction, Dr. Batson utilizes chiropractic manual manipulation to restore function to the foot or ankle, K-Laser Therapy for reduction of pain and inflammation. Dr. Batson then utilizes Foot Levelers custom orthotic appliances for the restoration and proper support of foot/ankle function.

Foot Levelers custom orthotic appliances are custom manufactured and casted to your specific foot. Foot Levelers products supply a three arch system of foot support encompassing a medial arch support, lateral arch support and a metatarsal support for proper arching and bridging of the foot and metatarsal bones. This system provides a balanced symmetrical foundation for the foot and ankle helping to reduce pain and increase the comfort level of wearing foot orthotic appliances. By providing a balanced foot and ankle foundation the Foot Levelers orthotic supplies protection and support throughout all phases of gait.
Many times lower back, hip, and knee pain may be caused by or associated with foot/ankle dysfunction. Dr. Batson is conveniently located in Willowbrook, Il, and is available to assist you with your specific foot/ankle or spinal concerns and dysfunction.